Super Luigi Mugen Character

  1. Mugen Luigi Download
  2. Mugen Super Mario Character
  3. Super Luigi Mugen Download
Super Luigi Mugen Character
FileDate / DownloadsComments
Bowser 1.7 (k6666orochi) : 2U0 ------------------ ------ The Grand Finale ~D, D, a+b Fire Breath ~D, DB, B, a+b Banzai Bill (if you hold back changes the direction of the attack) ... [more] (33.71 MB) 23rd July 20192179 / 54218
Super Mario (ShinRyoga &...) : for super mario (8.33 MB) 6th November 201516252 / 8,98128
Quality Mario (S.Nara, Minor edit...) : a minor edit of the somehow hated version of the mario by s.nara. it adds ai, fixes one palette problem, and a new dizzy animation to prevent crashing. enjoy getting defeated by this mario with our... ... [more] (2.10 MB) 30th August 2019276 / 222
Shanxi's Bowser Remastered v2 (Hota1992) : Credits from KY Shanxi. I updated this file due sound's doesn't play well. This problem is fixed. Bowser now have new color and SFX's. (1.72 MB) 29th August 2019243 / 230
Shanxi's Bowser Remastered (Hota1992) : K. Y. Shanxi's Bowser, has new coloration, increased health and more sounds. Credits from K. Y. Shanxi for orginial Bowser. From Super Mario Bros Z. Bowser coloration. (1.55 MB) 26th August 2019352 / 360
Bowser Jr. V0.3 (Baconator2558) : Hi, I'm Baconator2558 and this is the next update of my first MUGEN character, Bowser Jr. This update features new attacks, a new form, and assists. This is still a beta, so changes and updates will... ... [more] (20.54 MB) 26th August 2019488 / 627
Crazy Toadette Takeover (SaikyoSuperman) : It's an edit of 4p version of Funny Mario. Toadette Takeover was stronger than Funny Mario (4p-6p)! Enjoy :laugh::grin::very_good: (30.80 MB) 24th August 2019224 / 90
SmugMasty (Update) (Masty) : This the update of a character i made not a long time ago it has some changed audio and has strenght and defence modified :very_good: (19.59 MB) 22nd August 2019276 / 122
Toad (SUMIN imitator) (Camren Springer) : BUP! (2.52 MB) 18th August 2019218 / 430
SuperMarioFan20000 (JacobsWorld2013) : :dirol: (13.9 KB) 15th August 2019156 / 131
MarioGlitchyness64 (JacobsWorld2013) : :smile: (2.13 MB) 15th August 2019133 / 251
Andrick 69 (Saikyosuperman VS...) : It's an edit of Lone Super Luigi, I remake it because Luigifan1 keep it private. Enjoy! :grin: https://www.yout Dk (7.83 MB) 15th August 2019167 / 170
SmugMasty (Masty) : i dont know what to put here soooo he has a dark red Mustache:smile: (8.34 MB) 14th August 2019149 / 164
King Bowser (storm0062) : This appears to be based on Super Mario World and was intended to be a boss character. Also hes not on a spaceship hes on a koopa clown car. (200.9 KB) 13th August 2019380 / 300
Wario (jakobthecool867) : A pretty effortless character. With missing sprites and only a handful of attacks. (7.61 MB) 13th August 2019256 / 180
BestGamerReview (LuigiFan1,Warner,DLG...) : BestGamerReview SSB Was and edit of SSB Luigi Enjoy :smile: Alt Link: s!AjxroJP6NONPgY8YHER92IL usAZPHA?e=IuRgMQ http s:// ?v=xGHch5_ztPs ... [more] (12.30 MB) 11th August 2019358 / 152
Mario Plus (JoshGunner) : A Another Paltteteswap (1.16 MB) 11th August 2019356 / 481
Luigi Plus (JoshGunner) : First He Spriteswaping, Now He is Doing PaltteteSwap? WOW! JUST WOW! (10.23 MB) 11th August 2019314 / 172
Metal Luigi (JoshGunner) : (10.23 MB) 11th August 2019214 / 120
Mario (SaikyoSuperman,...) : Old GWSCLB1 Mario Based On LF1 Mario. Enjoy :laugh: (12.68 MB) 10th August 2019448 / 273
Dark MAX 123 XD (SaikyoSuperman With...) : This is an paletteswap of GWCSLB1 Dark Mario. Go To. com/channel/UCJc5_H2-Ej5M uQIybB6Nt4g Enjoy! :very_good: Also, Here is Ugly Mario And Fiixed Version.... ... [more] (4.99 MB) 8th August 2019235 / 365
dkluigi (tako/MarioMarioGuyFa...) : Just a palleteswap of tako's dkmario, no one ever made a Donkey Kong arcade version of Luigi. (477.2 KB) 7th August 2019148 / 242
Bowser (Easychar, Edited By...) : Like many of Shazzo's other creations, this version of the Koopa king is a modification of Actarus' Axel Stone. Unlike many of Shazzo's other creations, however, not much is changed from that... ... [more] (734.6 KB) 6th August 2019364 / 370
Koopa Troopa (CoffeeFlavoredMilk) : A rather bare-bones Koopa character I was working on. It's basically abandonware at this point. If someone wants to turn this into a more complete character be my guest. (952.1 KB) 5th August 2019287 / 480
Special Super Luigifan1 (Old) (Luigifan1) : Special Super Luigifan1 (Old) was a edit of Special Luigifan1. Enjoy :grin: https://www.yo deKI https://www.youtub ... ... [more] (17.02 MB) 4th August 2019172 / 52
quantity luigi (dwantara) : (from readme.txt) quantity luigi by dwantara description : side project character i made where i have limited time to complete, especially 4 hour or something. after the challenge completed, i... ... [more] (376.5 KB) 1st August 2019313 / 560
Toadette Takeover (SaikyoSuperman VS...) : Lone Super Mario Leaked Toadette Takeover, Bash It Enjoy :acute: https://www.y WUQIA https://www.youtu U ... [more] (12.73 MB) 29th July 2019378 / 82
Waluigi (Warioman,...) : This edit alters the sprites to be from another sheet. In this case, the sprites come from another one of NO Body the Dragon's sheets. (4.58 MB) 28th July 2019184 / 370
Mona (SUMIN imitator) UPDATED (Camren Springer) : (2.13 MB) 28th July 2019275 / 450
Waluigi (Warioman, Edited by...) : This edit fixes many of the problems in Warioman's version, such as being underpowered. Waluigi was scaled in size, and the command for Ultra Hammer was changed. Waluigi's A.I. was made tougher, but... ... [more] (5.84 MB) 28th July 2019370 / 662
Baby Bowser ( : This is most likely spirteswap of some random character [probably a Mortal Kombat one] knowing Test it out for yourself (1.03 MB) 28th July 2019244 / 180
Super Mario 64 (Hanyou&Jenngra505...) : (4.37 MB) 26th July 2019382 / 1283
Gold Luigi (SuperMario193281) : (3.13 MB) 26th July 2019202 / 580
Gold Mario (SuperMario193281) : (3.13 MB) 26th July 2019268 / 700
Luuiiiigiiiiiiiiiiii!! (STG) : Different version than the one already here. Hasn't the hitler ghost and the nuke animation got changed. (12.58 MB) 25th July 2019278 / 282
Brutal Mario (ShinRyoga &...) : (8.72 MB) 25th July 2019324 / 564
*LEAKED* Super Better Luigi (DS12) : Hes Leaked :very_good: (63.03 MB) 23rd July 2019725 / 3714
MVC Wario : an edit of Warners Wario. Someone made his coding even worse and turned him into a cheap freak of nature. He hits like a freaking truck. Some of his attacks dont work. The voicepack is just wrong. ... ... [more] (3.72 MB) 22nd July 2019399 / 482
PeachSSBB (StarPlatnum4658) : (4.16 MB) 12th July 2019346 / 1130
BowserJrSSB4 (StarPlatnum4658) : (2.21 MB) 12th July 2019274 / 890

Mugen Luigi Download

On Mugen Mario, you can download characters, stages and M.U.G.E.N. NEWS 19.4.14 Hey guys, we haven't made an update in almost 2 years! But we are finally back! Super Mario/ Super Luigi SSBB Mario Characters Pack Spongebob The Sponge Weegee/Malleo. Favorite Mario Character(s) *.

Mugen Super Mario Character

Character AI Patch Updates

  • Super Mario Bros. X is a Mario fangame where you can create and play your own Super Mario levels. Now save the def and start mugen. Btw 1.1 characters wont work in 1.0, winmugen characters only work in winmugen, and 1.0. Can work in any, unless the author of the characters says otherwise. Well you see luigi, when a paisano puts his.
  • I have found here a 'Super Mario' char with a good looking palette and with improved movements (by MASA), but I also wanted a 'Super Luigi' with the above mentioned, so I just change the order of the palettes, the portraits and the sound file to finally have the 'Super Luigi' I was looking for, and now I share it with you, so enjoy!
Super luigi mugen characters posted May 14, 2018, 12:16 PM by DarkLuigi Games [ updated May 14, 2018, 12:17 PM]

Super Luigi Mugen Download

Character AI Patch Updates!
Quickly did some changes to old patches. Some of the 'Need Updating' Patches will eventually be updated to some totally new and/or revamped.
Ashley V2.2
AI Uses Projectile Moves far less than before
AI Guards a little bit less than before
AI Air Recovers Less
Carnage V1.1
AI Dumbed Down
AI Air Recovers far less than before
AI Attacks Less frequently
AI Blocks Far Less than before
Buffer Kong V3.0
AI Dumbed Down
Charging Aura Move Nerfed
AI Can now use its Hyper
Health Reduced to 1100
Megaman X V1.2
Character is Playable
AI Uses Projectiles slightly Less
Fixed a bug where the AI will rarely do a crouching shot in the air
AI Throws Less Often
AI Guards Less Often
AI Air Recovers Less Often
AI Can Combo Correctly
Geese V1.1
AI Guards Less
AI Attacks slightly less than before
Deathstroke V1.1
Fixed a Simul Mode Issue (Not Moving)
AI Guards Less
Super Gideon Graves V1.1
AI Guards Less
Move Changes Reverted
Klonoa V1.4
AI Guards Less
AI Spinning Attack uses decreased