Nov 05, 2017 smoke.0: The 0 after the period is determines how many smoke parts there is. If you had two, it would look like this: smoke.0 smoke.1-53.00, -0.0, -0.0, These 3 numbers determine the position of the effect releative to the center of the aircraft. The first one, -53.00 in this case, is how far forward and back it is. – is backwards and + is forwards. Microsoft Flight Simulator development. FSX SMOKE_ON does not show the smoke? Thread starter sjcomp; Start date 1 Feb 2010; sjcomp. 1 Feb 2010 #1. 1 Feb 2010 #1. Hello, I would like to show the smoke on an AI airplane. I know that Extra 300 has a smoke system. So I create the Extra 300 airplane and send SMOKE_ON event to it. Nothing happens.
I would like to show the smoke on an AI airplane. I know that Extra 300 has a smoke system. So I create the Extra 300 airplane and send SMOKE_ON event to it... nothing happens. If I request variable 'SMOKE ENABLE' from the airplane it is always 0, sending SMOKE_ON event does not change this variable. Any ideas why that might be the case? I do know that if I send SLEW_ON event, then the airplane goes into the slew mode (I do not use slew mode, it just to test if the aircraft receives my events). If I send SMOKE_ON to the user aircraft I can see the smoke too. This means that I do send the event properly.
The next step was to use SimConnect_SetDataOnSimObject with 'SMOKE ENABLE'. I still do not see the smoke from the aircraft, but requesting this variable back from the aircraft returns 1... but no visible smoke. Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
I would like to show the smoke on an AI airplane. I know that Extra 300 has a smoke system. So I create the Extra 300 airplane and send SMOKE_ON event to it... nothing happens. If I request variable 'SMOKE ENABLE' from the airplane it is always 0, sending SMOKE_ON event does not change this variable. Any ideas why that might be the case? I do know that if I send SLEW_ON event, then the airplane goes into the slew mode (I do not use slew mode, it just to test if the aircraft receives my events). If I send SMOKE_ON to the user aircraft I can see the smoke too. This means that I do send the event properly.
The next step was to use SimConnect_SetDataOnSimObject with 'SMOKE ENABLE'. I still do not see the smoke from the aircraft, but requesting this variable back from the aircraft returns 1... but no visible smoke. Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.

Fsx Smoke System 2011 Banner
- Captures diesel particulate released from Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) being cleaned using the FSX TrapBlaster ™ Pneumatic Cleaner. Automatic online self-cleaning cycle pulses dust out of internal filters to drop into the bottom Quick-Release Bucket ™ while operating. Two stage filtration.
- Very useful information here, if you have Smoke effects that are just a tad bit out of line, like above the wings or too far back behind the aircraft, or wayyyyy above the aircraft, usually that happens with 2004 / FS9 Aircraft once they've been injected into FSX flight sim.

Fsx Smoke System 2011 Band
Air Bridge Cargo 747-400F/ERF fleet pack (V1.1) by Stas Harchuk
CargoLogicAir 747s fleet (V1.0) by Stas Harchuk
P3D Learjet Cargo 35A AirNet (N27TT) v4.2 plus by Scott Brunner
P3D Learjet 35A (N500LL) v4.2 plus by Scott Brunner
Prepar3D - AI Aircraft
FSX/P3D AIA EMB-175 LOT Star Alliance by Joel Branchu
Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications
Flexport Boeing 747-400F N508KZ by Gustavo Aguiar
Gazpromavia Sukhoi Superjet 100 RA-89049 by Gustavo Aguiar
TDS Boeing 757-324W United - version 2 by Ryan Chadwick - TDS
Airbus A320 CFM Thomas Cook Airlines LY-VEB by Miguel Angel Taboada
TDS Boeing 757-222W United by Ryan Chadwick - TDS