I am using Maven
I have a parent module and some other modules. They look like:
Maven pom file for artifact version org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:2.12.1 / Apache Maven Checkstyle Plugin / Generates a report on violations of code style and optionally fails the build if violations are detected. / Get informed about new snapshots or releases. I have in the project Super_CheckStyle definitions of the checkstyle and suppressions. In the project Specific_Checkstyle is customized suppressions.xml file. Because of the maven lifecycle Super_CheckStyle project is used during child installation (mvn install). Import Checkstyle Project. Generate sources that a required by checkstyle by right click over pom.xml file and click on menu 'Maven / Generate Sources and Update Folders' Debug. Open the Check's source file by double click on it in a source tree as is shown. Our shared inspection scope should be used to exclude such files. Using a Suppressions Filter. Checkstyle allows the definition of a list of files and their line ranges that should be suppressed from reporting any violations (known as a suppressions filter ). Example: pom.xml - Specifies the suppressions filter that Checkstyle should use.. Here you can find example how to use sevntu-checkstyle-maven-plugin plugin in Maven and Ant projects - sevntu-checkstyle/checkstyle-samples. I found Excluding classes in Maven Checkstyle plugin reports which explains well how to exclude. I don't seem to get how to exclude a file like LICENSE.txt in the.
I tried to replace the rules with my own rules. But it ignores my rules. I added the plug-in to parent pom.xml
Where is the problem?
Maven War Plugin Exclude Files
mvn checkstyle:checkstyle -X
Maven Checkstyle Configuration
KayserKayser2 Answers
For it to pick up your custom configuration, you need to declare your file as a property:
Taken from my tutorial on how to create a custom CheckStyle check here:
Source code here:
Why you don't put your checkstyle config in a directory in parent project like src/main/resources
and parametrized the plugin in parent pom.xml like this
Child projects should have access do this configuration