Silva Ultramind ESP (Audio Workbook)
By Jose Silva | Rapidshare - 2 Parts (.rar) | Part 1 is 80.87M, Part 2 is 84.11M | Audio is .mp3, workbook is .pdf
Millions of people around the world have learned to develop their own psychic ability with Jose Silva's Mind Training Systems, and they say, 'Thank you for showing me how to change my life for the better.'
Jose Silva was the world's leading researcher in this field... the first to develop a method to actually train anyone who wishes, to use their natural psychic ability. He thought this was his mission in life. But his real breakthrough occurred just before his death in 1999: Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System. This new ESP System involves communicating with higher intelligence, as well as all the various aspects of mental telepathy. Once you've mastered the simple techniques, you'll be able to unleash the telepathic powers you were born with. Before long you'll be able to...
*Read people like a book.
*Instantly know if someone's telling you the truth.
*Gain knowledge about others' intentions just by looking at them.
*Know anyone's heart by simply being in the same vicinity.
*Project your mind to any place in the world to detect information. The U.S. Government spent $30 million training people to do this, and had a 100% success rate in certain cases.
*Influence others from a distance. Leave reminders, strengthen willpower, create an instant connection, and more using ESP projection techniques.
*Discover your mission in life. Learn what you were sent here to do. Improve the lives of others. Live a life that's prosperous, fulfilled, and happy.
*Detect hidden information.
*Learn how the science of psychometry can help you improve the accuracy of your intuitions about people.
*Make all your relationships more fulfilling and meaningful. Ask the one question that instantly enhances any relationship. Get answers from higher intelligence that will make all your relationships better.
*Remove psychological barriers that prevent you from living the life you want. At the alpha brain wave level, it's easy to do.
*Get and stay healthy longer by learning to tune in to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
*Relieve stress and relax more easily. Once you've mastered the simple technique for going to the alpha brainwave level, you'll be able to go there almost instantly. Stress will melt away and you'll be totally relaxed.
*Learn to trust your intuition to help you make better decisions in all parts of your life.
*Concentrate with total focus and clarity whenever you choose.
*Find lasting inner peace by clearing your mind and heart of past baggage.
Practical intuition
Because it's a practical program, you'll get to experience the Silva UltraMind ESP techniques through several hands-on exercises. Plus, there are numerous followup programs and activities to help you continue to grow and gain more benefits if you so choose.
One of the best aspects of the program is that it is grounded in the concrete realities of everyday life. That's because Jose Silva believed our purpose in life is to improve conditions on the planet and help others as much as possible. In fact, he believed that if people used his ESP techniques selfishly, they would lose their ability to communicate subjectively, and their telepathy skills would vanish.
You'll also discover:
*The MentalVideo technique
*The 3-Scenes Technique
*Mental Projection
*Subjective Communication
And other proven methods that will make you more telepathic. I guarantee you will not be the same person after you've learned Jose Silva's UltraMind ESP System.
Now the choice is yours. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you choose to join millions of people worldwide who have used Jose Silva's mind training systems to develop their ESP.
When you do, you too will make the rest of your life the best of your life. [/color]
Download link Part 1 (80.87 Mb)
Download link Part 2 (84.11 Mb)
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