4 Ways to Create A Remote Desktop Connection Shortcut in Win 8. You don't have to know where the Remote Desktop Connection is in Windows 8/8.1 computer, because you can create a shortcut for it on the desktop. And this article introduces four methods to create a Remote Desktop Connection shortcut in detail. Basically the idea is to execute CMDKEY.EXE to create your temporary credentials in the stored credentials repository, and then execute MSTSC.EXE. MSTSC should find the credentials and use them. You can execute these programs from within C# using Process.Start; you don't need Powershell. /admin switch not working on Windows 7 for remote desktop console session. In Windows XP SP3, the /console switch was changed to /admin to do a remote desktop session to a server that is a true console session. This /admin switch is still supposed to work in Windows 7 but since changing my desktop from Windows XP SP3 to Windows 7, I am not. Copy file mstsc.exe to the installation directory of the program that is requesting mstsc.exe. If that doesn't work, you will have to copy mstsc.exe to your system directory. By default, this is: Windows 95/98/Me - C: Windows System Windows NT/2000 - C: WINNT System32 Windows XP, Vista, 7 - C: Windows System32.
(Also posted on StackOverflow and SuperUser)
I am finally switching from a desktop to a laptop at work.
I use Remote Desktop quite a bit to access our server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard).
I can access the server from the desktop (Windows 7 Enterprise, 32 bit), but when I try from the new laptop (Windows 7 Enterprise, 64 bit), I get past the login screen and then I keep seeing the Configuring remote session...
message continuously and the Remote Desktop session never starts.

I have admin access on all devices so that's not the issue.
I don't have problems with the firewall when using other computers with my account.
I did a little research but nothing I've read seems to relate to my situation. I have tried the following:
- Renaming
and running the 32 bit mstsc from%windir%SysWOW64mstsc.exe
but didn't have any luck. - Connecting FROM the server TO the laptop works fine.
Created a batch file with the following and still no luck:
1 Answer

Turns out it was the audio driver that was causing the problem. I deleted the RealTek driver that was being used and used the generic windows one, and was able to connect with Remote Desktop with no issues.

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Discussion in 'DOS/Other' started by kimsland, Oct 28, 2007.
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Windir System32 Mstsc Exe Windows 10
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Windir System32 Mstsc Executive
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C Windows System32 Mstsc Exe
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